Healing with Energy and Sound
Reiki Energy Healing.
What is Reiki Energy Healing? ‘Rei-Ki’ means ‘Universal energy’. During a Reiki session, the Reiki Master channels universal energy, which passes through their hands and enters your body. The channeled energy permeates areas of your body with low energy. These are areas which are, or may become, ill. As a certified Reiki Master, Lidia is able to use Reiki energy healing on its own, or in addition to other therapies. Your personal needs and intentions are always at the center of your session.
What to expect during your Reiki Energy Healing session? Reiki is done with light, non-invasive touch. Lidia’s hands may be placed and held on a series of locations on the head and front and back of the torso. The placement of the hands is never intrusive or inappropriate and there is no pressure. If you prefer, Reiki can also be done with Lidia’s hands never touching your body. Reiki only sessions are preformed fully clothed while laying on a massage table comfortably.
Benefits of Reiki Energy Healing. We know that many, if not most, people may me skeptical of the holistic benefits of Reiki. However, research has shown that Reiki can help promote better sleep, reduce anxiety, boost mood, relieve fatigue and enhance quality of life. More importantly, Reiki helps us address the root causes harming our emotional, physical, mental and spiritual well being.
Sound Healing Therapy.
What is Sound Healing Therapy? Sound healing is an ancient healing technique that uses tonal frequencies to bring the body into a state of vibrational balance and harmony. Lidia specifically uses crystal bowl, whose tones are tied one of the 7 chakras, and indigenous instruments and tones from Colombia, where Lidia is from. Like Reiki, this therapy can be done on its own, or in addition to other healing modalities offered.
What to expect during your Sound Healing Therapy. You will usually be lying down as you listen to Lidia plays a variety of crystal bowls and instruments while you “bathe” in the soothing sounds and vibrations. The specific instruments used will be based on you and your needs. No two sound healing therapies are identical.
Benefits of Sound Healing Therapy. Sound therapy induces deep relaxation which lowers the stress hormone cortisol, helps clear energetic blockages, lowers blood pressure and chronic pain, decreases risk of heart disease and supports mental, emotional and spiritual well being.