Your lymphatic system relies on your movement and lifestyle choices to function optimally. Unfortunately, many of us are regularly sedentary and consume processed foods that prevent our lymph system from properly functioning. Lidia will work with you to restore your vital lymphatic health
XP2 Lymphatic Therapy Machine.
What is the XP2 machine? The XP2 machine is a state-of-the-art, high-frequency electro-sound therapy machine used to painlessly breakdown congested lymph and properly move it through your lymphatic pathways. The XP2 machine is able to reach deeper lymph nodes found in your torso and is an incredible tool for facilitating lymphatic health and healing.
What to expect when receiving this therapy. You will be resting comfortably on my massage table and I will use the machine’s glass wands across your body to stimulate lymphatic drainage, circulation, elimination and immunity. The therapy is completely painless. However some mild static shock may be experienced. It is important that you have no oils or lotions on your skin if using this therapy.
Hemo-Sonic Lymph & Tissue Light Therapy
What is the Hemo-Sonic & Tissue Light therapy instrument? This incredible device, invented and engineered by Sky David, M.P.T., C.L.T., improves lymph and blood circulation by using light, sound and biofeedback. When applied to the outer surface of the body, light emissions from the hand-held Hemo-Sonic device are translated into the sonic range of frequency, resulting in vibrations that detoxifying the fluid mass of the body. It is gentle yet highly effective and very supportive of healthy immune and endocrine systems.
What to expect when receiving this therapy. This therapy is very relaxing and comfortable. The handheld device is applied directly onto the surface of your body in a specific, distal pattern. You may feel a slight warmth from the device, but it is not hot nor uncomfortable. This therapy destroys invading antigens and removes toxic chemicals and heavy metal contamination, optimizing immune function. This initial detoxification process may lead you to feel tired or slightly achy after your session. However, once detoxification is accomplished and the higher functions of the endocrine system can begin to heal tissue at a deeper level, you will be left feeling energized and revitalized after your sessions.
Whole Body Vibration Machine
About the whole body vibration platform. Whole Body Vibration is a therapy that optimizes lymphatic drainage. As you stand on the machine it vibrates, transmitting energy to your body, which forces your muscles to contract and relax dozens of times each second. By simply standing on the vibrational plate you activate and stimulate lymphatic drainage.
What to expect when receiving this therapy. This therapy is done in conjunction with other lymphatic drainage therapies. It only lasts 15 minutes and can be done before or after another lymphatic drainage therapy to increase its effectiveness. During the session you will stand on a vibration machine, which has supports to help you balance. Depending on your physical needs, you will stand, sit and/or squat on the machine as it vibrates at various power-speeds. The power used will depend on your body’s specific needs. You will feel your entire body shaking, however it is not uncomfortable. In addition to increasing lymph flow, this machine also improves muscle tone, increases range of motion and helps decrease back, joint, knee and hip pain.
Lymphatic Drainage Massage
About Lymphatic Drainage Massage. This massage uses very light pressure and long, rhythmic strokes to get the lymph fluid moving and directs waste into the organs that can properly remove them. Lidia, a trained lymphatic drainage massage practitioner, will apply pressure to re-stimulate the natural contractions of the lymphatic system. This will move the stagnant fluid back into the natural lymph flow of the body. This massage is done in addition to XP2 and/or Hemo-Sonic Lymph & Tissue Light Therapy instruments.
What to expect when receiving this therapy. This massage is very gentle and relaxing. It does not use deep pressure, as this can potentially impede lymph drainage. Focus is placed on the torso, neck, armpits and head.

Tips & Benefits
Drink plenty of water before and after your session. Proper hydration is important for a healthy lymphatic system
During the session you may choose to be fully unclothed, or not. Your comfort is essential. However, if you do choose to remain clothed, please wear very loose fitting clothes. Wearing constrictive clothing daily can negatively impact your body’s ability to transport lymph throughout your body.
For a lymphatic drainage session please do not wear any lotions, oils or deodorants. For optimal lymphatic health always ensure your lotions and deodorants are free of harmful toxins and chemicals
Detoxifies the bodily tissues
Removes pathogens via the lymph system
Supports breast health (including post-mastectomy)
Supports prostate health (including enlarged prostate)
Relieves discomfort from fibrocystic and tender breasts
Promotes t-cell development (assists persons who are HIV positive)
Regenerates tissue, including burns, scars, stretch marks, wrinkles
Reduces edema (swelling) and lymphedema of many origins
Reduces symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia
Relieves chronic joint and muscle pain
Assists with weight loss and alleviates cellulite tissue
Supports preventive health maintenance